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So far Call_Kym has created 163 blog entries.

Renting A House? Here’s What You Need To Know About Your Rights As A Tenant

By | 2022-12-07T15:10:08+00:00 December 7th, 2022|Uncategorized|

When renting a house, landlords have the say on the terms and conditions that they set when renting out their homes. They may impose a few rules that may or may be flexible such as whether pets are allowed or not, but there are still baselines that all landlords must comply with – and if [...]

Finding Great Tenants

By | 2022-11-18T02:05:46+00:00 November 18th, 2022|Home Ownership Tips, Real Estate Knowledge, Renting, Tips|

Now that you’ve done the basics – prepare your property for rent, go through all the necessary paperwork, legal work, and even the nitty gritty such as cleaning and preparing the rental home or unit itself, it’s now time to find individuals who will be occupying your property. It’s time to get yourselves, tenants!  Being [...]

Dealing With Problematic Tenants

By | 2022-11-18T02:05:39+00:00 November 3rd, 2022|Real Estate, Real Estate Knowledge, Real Estate Market, Renting, Tips|

One of the hard responsibilities you have when opening your property up for rent is that not all the tenants you’ll be dealing with will be agreeable. From young ones who may not be the quietest tenants to financially struggling adults and families that’ll be behind on rent for a month or two – the [...]

Renting Out Your Home And How To Prepare For It

By | 2022-10-19T18:54:16+00:00 October 19th, 2022|Home Ownership Tips, Real Estate, Real Estate Knowledge, Real Estate Market, Renting|

With great power comes great responsibility. This is a quote we’ve all heard by now, and surprisingly, a quote that is applicable to most situations in life – including the economic decision of renting out your home.  Renting out your home allows a flexible means of income, yes, if you immerse yourself completely in being [...]

Refusing A Buyer’s Offer

By | 2022-10-14T18:25:43+00:00 October 14th, 2022|Real Estate, Real Estate Market, Selling|

  The volatile real estate market comes with a lot of complications, and the same applies to real estate transactions as well. If you’re a seller trying to sell your home, refusing an offer on a home you are trying to sell can be a bittersweet feeling. On the one hand, you might have been [...]

Inheriting A Property And What It Means For You

By | 2022-09-19T18:24:32+00:00 September 19th, 2022|Home Ownership Tips, Real Estate, Real Estate Knowledge|

Congratulations! You’ve got yourself a house without having to buy it, think about all the pre-purchase paperwork and even the construction itself however, inheriting property may or may not be the dream that it sounds to be.  Nevertheless, once you know and learn how to navigate the processes that come with inheriting a property, nothing [...]

Understanding Property Taxes

By | 2022-09-19T18:24:24+00:00 September 2nd, 2022|Buying A Home, Real Estate, Real Estate Knowledge, Real Estate Market|

Taxes, when explained to the common man, is usually packaged as the price we pay to be able to co-exist in a society. Taxes are government-collected fees for different products and services consumed by the people that help the government run the country – subsidize the development of all government sectors be it education, agriculture, [...]

Understanding Purchase & Sale Agreements

By | 2022-08-18T15:48:39+00:00 August 17th, 2022|Buying A Home, Home Ownership Tips, Real Estate, Real Estate Knowledge, Real Estate Market, Uncategorized|

Like most of our major transactions such as buying a car, receiving payment for services, and the like, purchasing a house or any piece of real estate comes with a contract that serves as a memorandum of agreement between the home buyer and the real estate company or the bank. Typically called a Purchase and [...]

The Value of Loan Pre-approvals

By | 2022-08-03T15:51:06+00:00 August 3rd, 2022|Uncategorized|

In today’s time and age, everything has gone up thanks to the rising demand for everything – which has caused a steady increase in inflation since the time wherein our parents or the older members of our family bought the house we live in. Because of this, as you start your adult life and begin [...]

Qualifying For A Home Loan

By | 2022-07-18T18:08:17+00:00 July 18th, 2022|Buying A Home, Real Estate, Real Estate Knowledge, Real Estate Market, Tips|

With the rising prices of properties and other assets in the country, it is almost impossible to acquire a property for yourself without any outsourced assistance with funding.  At the rate of inflation between the 1900s up to now, purchasing a property that usually takes a blue-collar worker 5-10 years worth of saving will now [...]

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